Quality Products

Our products are free from harmful chemicals and have a long shelf life.

Organic Certified

Certified sugar bagasse products for a comfortable dining experience.

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Quick, simple, secure and hassle-free delivery.

Trusted Products

Our products are eco-friendly and ensure 100% client satisfaction.

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From Earth, For Earth A Full Circle

Sugarcane sweetens the world with its sweet, sweet juice. But after all the juice is squeezed out, we are left with just the fibrous stalk. This is bagasse, and it is all we need. As it happens, bagasse is perfect for making all the shapes for plates, bowls, and trays. Once our products are ready, they are kept in natural shade, so they are free of harmful bleaching chemicals. They are then packaged and delivered to a distributor in your area, where they await your decision to start using an eco-friendly alternative that is beneficial for both you and the environment. Once you polish off your samosas, pizza, or sandwiches, you can trash the plate. But HANG ON! Here’s what’s amazing about Bioware products: after composting for 3 months, they return to the soil and enrich the earth. It feels like magic, doesn’t it?


And that’s the full circle. Our products come from the earth, go back to the earth… making a few stops for biryani along the way.

Meal Trays

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All Certifications mentioned on the website are applicable to the Manufacturing Partner.

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Adam Sendler
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Mila Kunis
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Mike Stuart